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Singapore Plastic Surgery Procedure Guide


Singapore Plastic Surgery Procedure Guide

Plastic surgery change, restore, or enhance one’s appearance. There are many Singaporeans seeking cosmetic plastic surgery for wanting to change or enhance their looks. Some will even make a trip to Korea for a full facial makeover, spending a fortune to seek an improved and better look.  There are many plastic surgery clinics in Singapore for those who do not wish to travel overseas and prefer to have their surgeon located in Singapore for frequent follow-up.  The more common types of cosmetic surgery procedures offered by plastic surgeons in Singapore are eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, breast enhancement and hair transplantation procedures.


Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery

With sun exposure and the aging process, our skin on the upper lid gradually becomes wrinkly and thinner, and eventually the skin excess may come to rest on the eyelashes, and this result as a droopy and tired looking appearance. As we age, the tissue and muscles start to weaken, eventually the fat that helps support the eyes creep downtown into your lower eyelids and result in a mild swelling and puffiness under the eyes.


Most Singapore plastic surgeons will recommend a blepharoplasty procedure to correct the puffiness and bags underneath the eyes and hooded skin on the upper lids. Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure done on the upper and/or lower lid, often under local anesthesia or in the outpatient setting with sedation. The procedure usually takes one to two hours and the removal of the fat is permanent. After the procedure, you may require revision as over the years, the skin may droop a bit again. However, lower eyelids will rarely require another surgery.

Another common type of blepharoplasty is double eyelid blepharoplasty surgery which is more popular among the Asian as 40% of the Asian population lack a visible crease or fold in the upper eyelid. The creation of double eyelid is desirable as it help the eyelids more amenable to makeup and exposes more of the eyelashes and make the eyes look rounder and bigger.

Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery has a very high patient satisfaction rating. The average procedure cost range from $3000 to $ 5000 and you can expect a week of downtime or recovery period. It is a relatively safe procedure if it is done by a well trained and skillful plastic surgeon.


Rhinoplasty Surgery

Another popular type of facial plastic surgery in Singapore is Rhinoplasty or commonly known as “nose job”. The main objectives for patients undergoing rhinoplasty are to change the shape of their nose, or to improve their breathing or a combination of the two.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that not only changes your appearance, but it can also boost your confidence level. Regardless of the primary reason for your nose plastic surgery, post-surgery recovery is something that you need to consider and dealt with. There will be more discomfort and pain as compared to eyelid surgery. A lot of swelling especially after the 1st week after the nose job surgery and even bruising around the eyes are to be expected. The nasal swelling may take as long as a year to completely subside although majority of patients reported that their facial swelling disappear after 6 weeks.


Besides the facial swelling, postoperative bleeding is another primary concern that most patients have as it can occur as late as 2 or 3 weeks following the surgery, but usually happens within days after the procedure.

Unlike Blepharoplast, Rhinoplasty is a highly tailored cosmetic surgery, so you can expect the average cost for a rhinoplasty surgery will be substantially higher than an eyelid surgery. Nose job surgery cost will largely depend on the type of functional corrections needed to be made. Some nose surgery procedures may involve just the bone while others may also require skin grafting and cartilage reconstruction. You can expect an average price tag of a rhinoplasty surgery in Singapore to range from SGD 8,000 to SGD11,000.



Hair Transplantation Surgery

Besides facial plastic surgery, hair transplantation is the next popular cosmetic surgery in Singapore. About 70% of men and 50% of women experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime,  mostly due to the aging process.


Hair transplant is a surgical hair restoration procedure that takes existing hair from the donor area (located in the back and on the sides of the scalp) and transplants them to the part of the scalp that has lost hair. It can often produce a dramatic improvement in one’s appearance. The results will improve how you look to others and to yourself. To learn if you are a good candidate for hair transplant, you can visit

To learn more about the the different types of plastic surgery available in Singapore, you can also visit